
Missing Person.

missing [ˈmɪsɪŋ]
1. not present; absent or lost
2. not able to be traced and not known to be dead nine men were missing after the attack
go missing to become lost or disappear

Missing person boards are used mostly in times of emergency, when a large disaster has taken place. At these times technology is venerable and can fail, leaving the disaster stricken area venerable itself. During these times the most efficient way of communicating is face to face. However when looking for a loved one it is not possible to speak to every person face to face, therefore missing person boards are a way to post and display information. I found this interesting as its a more unusual way of posting information, thinking about it now its much like a notice board I guess which is now ofter overlooked as technology has taken over.

It was actually during a tutorial with Steve when this method was brought to my attention however it was quickly dismissed as I couldn't see just how I could make it link. A week or so later I decided to think about the method in more detail as I find appearance wise these boards are bold and noticeable. After thinking about it for awhile I started to think about Twitter. Twitter - A place to share information or views. These tweets are ofter throw away thoughts that are posted and forgotten about, an instant outlet, often random in nature. So I started thinking about rather than a Missing Persons board I could play on the idea with a Missing Thoughts board.

As a regular twitter user I could create a piece where rather than tweeting I could write my thoughts on paper and use a notice board in a public place to post these. I also like the idea of then putting these back into the virtual world by posting a twitpic of the note. I could also invite people to use this posting their own thoughts and a twitter account set up for this piece would then be used to post the thoughts online.

With time constrants im not sure if I will manage to carry out this piece but atleast the idea is there.

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