
Final Show.

Cup Phone Piece

This piece was created on site, using two boards which I had previously thrown chalk at 200 times. Where the chalk hit I drilled holes ready for the string. I made this piece by making holes in the bottom of each cup, I then threaded string through tying a knot in the end. I then threaded the other end of the string through a random hole in the board, threading it through another random hole in the second board until it came out of the other side. I then pulled it tight and tied a knot in the string next to the board, I then threaded the string through the second cup and carefully pushed the cup over the knot. There is currently around 50 something cups on this piece, falling short of the 100 I had originally planned. However there was no reasoning behind the number 100. Before I started the piece I tied a few strings through the boards and used the friction and tautness of the string to hold the boards up. However with this being an interactive piece it is now hinged to the boards to help support. During this piece I encountered some problems. For some reason the cups weren't working and all you could hear was a muffled sound, I had previously tested putting the cups through boards so I knew that they worked. However with all of the back ground noise in the mez it was hard to hear a thing. After playing around with them I discovered if the string was a little slacker it actually worked better. If I was to do this piece again I would pick a number of cups and a reason why. I would also allow myself more time as I did not know that I would take me so long.

Pipe Piece

This piece was originally meant to go at the back of the mez towards the windows however with my pieces going up nearer to the end of installation time everyone elses work was blocking the way. My tutor was also unsure of just how we could hang it. However her later noticed that we could use the railing on the other side of the room to support the pipe. To make this piece we ducted tapped the pipes together and feed them through along the railing, my tutor then cut holes in the boards to allow the ends to show. Covers were then made to neaten the edges. If I was to do this piece again I would consider the placement more carefully as in the end I was not able to create the desired outcome. However it works just as well and that is the basic need. I am happy that it works and the it is places in an accessible area.

Telephone Pipe

This piece is similar to the piece above however it is made using two pipes which cross over in the middle, meaning that one persons ear piece goes to the other persons mouth piece and vise versa. This piece is an easier way of communicating and I hope the people will end up talking to people they may not know as they wonder whether it actually works. I think people will be surprised at how well it actually does work and may therefore have a conversation about the piece whilst using the piece. This was made by holding the two pipes across the corners of the mez, we had to be careful not to drop them as there were people sitting below and it could have cause an accident. Once we had figured out the placement of the pipes we could saw a hole into the boards, making sure the angle was right. When the holes were done we passed the pipe in place and secured a plank of wood above to hold the pipe firmly in place, the second pipe was then able to slot in between the wood and the top of the hole, but for safety we screwed the pipes in place. I was happy with this piece as it worked well. If I was to do it again or had more time I may have neatened up its appearance.

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