During the second group crit we was told to pick our own groups. We all knew that we should mix up our groups and not go into groups with people we are usually with but before we had any say in the matter the groups had formed into the usual friendship groups. This left me, Kayle, Jade and Aimee together. Since as I spend everyday talking to these people I personally found it harder to comment on their work since as I was so used to their way of thinking towards their own project. I found it hard to separate my mind and my own opinions from the groups.
Points made by Kayle :
- Pulley - Nice way of communicating.
- Telecups - In pairs - really good idea - would have to figure out how not to tangle them.
- Tweet Board - A nice contrast/taking it our of context.
Question 1 : I think you will need some sort of way to make the telecups solvable whilst still interesting.
I think the telecups (paper phone cups) will be solvable since as you can follow the string. I like the challenge of trying to find a pair as I feel it will make people interact with it for longer, they may begin to help each other out.
Question 2 : Have you thought about whether people will be too scared to interact with your pieces? Some people might find the cups/pulley delicate.
Yes I have thought about this problem and I think its important all of the pieces are secure enough to use. The idea of the telecups suspending themselves is not logical in my eyes as a piece of interactive work, so I think I will make it stable. I also plan on making signs inviting people to use the pieces.
Question 3 : Have you thought about, with the phone in two tents idea creating a delayed reply? Such as getting people to leave voice mail?
Yes this has been thought about and I like the idea, however I think people will be more tempted to stray away from having a conversation and instead send silly remarks to the other phone.
Points made by Jade Kiddell :
- I like that your project is interactive and enables people to interact with each other in more interesting ways.
Question 1 : Have you considered how you will create your ideas and the space limitations for presenting them?
Yes I have and this worries me slightly, however as I feel that my pieces are big Steve has said he will consider the placement and not to worry, I trust he will find good spaces. I do however worry about the light fittings above the mez for my pulley, I wonder whether they will get in the way.
Question 2 : Have you considered how to encourage people to interact with your exhibition? I think people can sometimes be a bit wary as to whether they're allowed to touch/play with something in art exhibitions.
Yes I'm planning on making signs telling them and encouraging them to play with all of the pieces. I'm worried that people will be too scared to use them or that they will feel silly doing so as it is not normal to have such interactive pieces within a art exhibition.
Points made by Aimee :
- Communication. Interactive.
- I like how your work is interactive, and I especially like how you are taking communication back to a primitive form.
- I also like the contrast between the old ways of communicating and the much more modern ways of communicating.
Question 1 : Did you want to explore the differences between different ways of communication?
Yes I wanted to see how communication changed when doing it in different ways, seeing if the conversations were shorter or longer or more in depth.
Question 2 : How are you going to explore the different types of communication in an interactive fashion?
Well I think I have already done this by using the methods such as the pulley and the cups in the art studios.
Question 3 : Are you going to put some sort of personal input into your work? Like how you personally feel about communication? e.g. the fact that Twitter has been blocked in college.
Yes I think most of my work is personal on some level. I have reacted to our time and my personal experiences with these sites. I also feel that my interactive ways of communicating is somewhat personal as I like the childish manor and like to encourage this behaviour. I also think that my blog/journal is quite personal. I decided to write a blog as I feel it allows me to feel less constricted to what I can say.
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